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In the Spotlight : The Torn Duet by Mia Kayla

A Fabulous Love Triangle Story!

Torn Between Two (Torn Duet #1) by Mia Kayla
Release Date: January 23, 2017

A tangled web of lust, love and lies.

I believe in fairy tales — the kind where a knight in shining armor sweeps me off my feet. Coming from a broken home, fairy tales housed the hope I clung to. Never in my life did I imagine two knights coming into my life— two knights that wore very different armor.

A rockstar versus a lawyer.
Fast and furious versus deliberate and calculated.
Intense and passionate versus strong and devoted.
Chaos versus stability.

I fell in love with one in the craziness of a concert. 
I fell in love with the other in the silence of his compassion.

And now I am Torn Between Two.


Choosong Forever  (Torn Duet #2) by Mia Kayla
Release Date: February 13, 2017

There's a fine line between love and fate.

Life is made up of choices. 
Single choices like bricks laid out in a path. A path that leads to your future. 

At twenty four years old, I would have never guessed I would be stuck between two men—two men from opposite spectrums of the universe.
Their lives, their worlds, their demeanor is as different as the darkest of nights and the lightest of days.

I love them both, but I have to choose.
There is only one choice I can make.
And I choose forever.


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(Book 1)
Amazon US 
(Book 2)
Amazon US 

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and text

About the Author
Mia Kayla is a New Adult/Contemporary Romance writer who lives in Illinois.
Most of the time, she can be caught on the train with her nose in a book sporting a cheeky grin because the main characters finally get their happily-ever-after at the end.
She loves reading about happy endings but has more fun writing them.

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