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Cover Reveal - Down Shift by K. Bromberg

The New York Times bestselling 
Driven series
 continues with a standalone story 
about finding love where you least expect it…

Author: K. Bromberg 
Series: Driven Spin-off 
Published by Signet 
Released: October 11th 2016
Genres: Contemporary Romance, Erotica 


Behind the wheel, racing champion Zander Donavan is at the top of his game. But after too much excess in his personal life, he’s forced to step away. He needs to accomplish something all on his own—outside of his famous father’s shadow.  
Getty Caster is running away from the abuse that clouds her past. She thinks she’s found the perfect escape—until she discovers a stranger in the beachside cottage she’d been promised. He’s undeniably sexy, but she’s there to heal. Alone.
Before long though, fighting with each other turns into fighting their attraction. And giving into desire sets off a chain reaction that has their pasts colliding. With an unexpected love on the line, can they overcome the fallout to build a future?



Purchase Links 

B&N: Pending

Amazon UK: Pending


Series reading order 
Driven Trilogy 
#1    Driven
#2    Fueled
#3    Crashed
#3.5 Raced  (optional novella-chapters of the Driven series told through Colton’s POV)

#4    Aced  (An all NEW book about Colton and Rylee)

Driven Standalone Spin-Offs
These books can be read on their own, out of order, and with or without having read the Driven Series. They are totally unconnected and complete standalones.

Slow Burn
Sweet Ache
Hard Beat
Down Shift

About the Author 

K. BrombergNew York Times and USA Today Bestselling author K. Bromberg writes contemporary novels that contain a mixture of sweet, emotional, a whole lot of sexy and a little bit of real. She likes to write strong heroines and damaged heroes who we love to hate and hate to love.

She’s a mixture of most of her female characters: sassy, intelligent, stubborn, reserved, outgoing, driven, emotional, strong, and wears her heart on her sleeve. All of which she displays daily with her husband and three children where they live in Southern California


Books Make You Happy   @OneEdiBooks  


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